This step-by-step pictorial reference covers all of the essential techniques for turning wood. Organized for quick access, this book makes it easy to find exactly the technique you are looking for. Over 850 photos and drawings illustrate how to hold, sharpen, and use turning tools, use specialized chucks, deep hollow elegant vessels, finish at the lathe, and much more.
About the author
Richard Raffan has been internationally acclaimed for both his turning and his teaching. Well-known for his gallery-quality production work, he is the author of Turning Wood, Turning Projects, Turning Boxes, and Turning Bowls, all from The Taunton Press. He lives in Canberra, Australia.
- Type: Paperback
- ISBN: 978-1-62710-765-5
- Published date: 2014
- Dimensions: 9-3/16 x 10-7/8"
- Pages: 256
- Photos: 973
- Drawings: 43
-See Table of Contents-
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Introduction How to Use This Book PART ONE: Tools and Materials
SECTION 1. The Lathe and Attachments The Lathe
Lathe Attachments
SECTION 2. Shaping Tools Tools for Center Work
Tools for End Grain
Tools for Face Work
Wood-Saving Tools
SECTION 3. Ancillary Tools Tools for Sharpening
Wood Preparation Tools
Tools for Measuring
Sanding and Finishing
SECTION 4. Wood Where to Find Wood
Selecting Wood
Recognizing Defects and Problems
PART TWO: Preparation SECTION 5. Setting Up the Lathe The Workspace
Tuning Your Lathe
Dust Collection
SECTION 6. Laying Out and Measuring Laying Out
SECTION 7. Preparing Blanks Preparing Blanks
Converting Logs
SECTION 8. Fixing Wood on the Lathe Basic Fixing
Reverse Chucking
SECTION 9. Sharpening Preparing and Shaping
PART THREE: Spindle Work SECTION 10. Spindle Techniques General Approach
Spindle Detailing
SECTION 11. Spindle Projects Handles
PART FOUR: Turning End Grain SECTION 12. End-Grain Techniques Shaping End Grain
Detail on End Grain
End-Grain Projects
SECTION 13. End-Grain Hollowing and Shaping Rough Hollowing
Internal Shaping
End-Grain Projects
SECTION 14. Chasing Threads Chasing Threads
Threads and Grain
Threading Project
PART FIVE: Face Work SECTION 15. Face-Work Profiles Face-Work Techniques
Face-Work Details
Face-Work Projects
SECTION 16: Face-Work Hollowing Hollowing the Work
Face-Work Projects
SECTION 17: Sanding and Finishing Preparation
Basic Sanding
Advanced Sanding
Further Reading Index